Understanding the size of a spout just from the photo on the web site is impossible
The pictures are about the same size and it's easy to be fooled into thinking that the parts are the same size as well. They are not. Don't panic! The information here can help.

Get a handle on the basic size with a mock up
We often get asked about how big a part is and how many a person would need on a project. People asking this have looked at the specifications and know the dimensions of the parts, they just can't translate the numbers into something tangible.
Relating the parts to a everyday object ( like a soda can or milk bottle) is helpful and reduces confusion. Here are pictures of the parts next to a common item of similar size that can be purchased at the grocery store. If you have problems relating to the size of an item make a mock up. Purchase the item at a grocery store and cut out a piece of cardboard. It's fairly painless.

Dimensioned drawings
These are dimensioned drawings of the parts from various angles ( top, side, etc). They also locate important features like the plumbing connection and mounting bosses. Please use the actual parts when laying out holes and such.