Custom hardware

Can't find what you need?
We make the spouts we sell. This allows considerable control over the finished product. And, since we’re not producing the spouts in gargantuan batches, small changes to one or two spouts aren’t a problem. Simple modifications like changing the plumbing connection can be handled in a couple of days. More radical interventions requiring changes to the general shape are costlier and can take a couple of months.
Patina & Plumbing
Things like providing a custom plumbing connection, or applying a custom finish are fairly simple modifications that can be completed in a couple of days. Since they don't involve much extra work, the cost of such changes is relatively low.
Examples of simple modifications

Modify an existing product
More radical interventions that make changes to the general shape of the spouts take longer and cost more. Because of how the spouts ar made, it typically takes 6-8 weeks to manufacture the parts. As a guide expect to pay 5-7 times the price of a comparably sized part.
Examples of existing spout modifications

Totally custom
We do accept comissions for fully custom parts. The lead time and cost will vary by project. Custom work is expensive.
Examples of completely custom hardware